Business Strategy Day

Mindmap on the wall during a Business Strategy Day in Staffordshire



Are you struggling to find the time to work on your business, as you are just so darned busy working in it?


Do you feel like you’re constantly fire-fighting and reacting to everything that needs doing each day, never having the time to work on the important stuff to move your business forward?


Do you keep getting flashes of inspiration and brilliant ideas, but never seem to be able to progress and implement them?


If only you could just have a clear day in your diary to get your head down and sort it all out!


Well, I can help with that.


You see, it’s not just the time out of your day to day busyness you need – you also need the support and direction of someone who ‘gets it’, and who has worked with dozens of business owners like you, and in large corporate organisations, to develop clear strategies and plans to achieve tangible results.


Whether you’re looking to increase your profits, reduce the amount of time you spend in your business, develop and build your team, or any combination of these, I can help.


One day with me and you’ll walk away with a clear and simple plan to uplevel your business, and the motivation to do it.


It’s kind of like a shot of adrenaline, straight into your business!


How does it work?

Firstly, if you’re interested in booking a strategy day with me, we’ll get on the phone for around thirty minutes to have a chat about your business, current challenges and goals, and see if the strategy day is the best option for for you. You can book in an initial call with me here.


Then, if we both agree this is for you, you’ll be sent a questionnaire to get under the skin of your business, followed by a longer call of around an hour, to get some clear outcomes identified from our day together.


Next will be the day itself! We’ll meet at a venue in Staffordshire, or online over Zoom (which can be split into 2 half days), and work through the following 6P’s framework:

Six Ps
  • PURPOSE – getting clear on why you’re running your business, what you want to get from it and what your goals are
  • POSITION – identifying where you fit in your market, who your target customer is, and producing your marketing plan
  • PROFITS – understanding your current profit levers and how you can make some tweaks to make a big difference to your bottom line
  • PROCESSES – implementing simple processes to help you work smarter, and not harder, and free up your time
  • PEOPLE – designing your ideal team and developing a plan to find them, train them and lead them effectively
  • PLAN – and of course, all of this leads into a clear, straight forward plan, for you to take away and implement, and uplevel your business


Following our day together, around four weeks later, we’ll get on the phone again to see what progress you’re making, and work through any challenges that crop up.


Your investment for the Business Strategy Day package is £975.


To book in a call with Alison to see if this may be suitable for you, and to find out latest availability of these days, click here.