Work smarter

Reality shot - when you're running your own business things don't always go smoothly. In fact, sometimes things go right off the rails and you're left questioning yourself again about why the hell are you doing this? Things will go wrong at times. I know this only too...

Are you fearful that your business will not survive the current economic climate? It's big news right now with lots of big names closing down, how can a really small business survive? At the time of writing this, we've had 3 big retailers close down in the...

Do you just love a freebie? Something for nothing. No cost involved. I totally get it. I love a freebie too. When I'm looking for new tools to use in my business, when I'm looking for advice, when I'm looking for information etc. etc. I've learned some big...

When you started your business I bet that you were trying to do most things yourself. Not only to save money but also because you felt so passionate and enthused by your business, everything about it excited you. You had the time at the beginning -...

Okay this is a juicy one - I'm about to share with you my top 7 tips for getting more done, all at once! I'm feeling generous, normally I'd phase this over 2 or 3 blog posts at least. Actually, I could write a blog post about...

Ever feel like you're working really hard but just not getting the results you want? Finding yourself working more and more hours to try and stay on top of things? Or maybe you keep flitting around trying different Marketing approaches until you find a way to keep...