Work smarter

Are you suffering from 'when this, then that' syndrome in your business? In other words, you're delaying doing something today and putting it off for a future date, waiting until something else has happened first. For example: "When I have my next employee in place, then I'll be...

We're now on step 3 for simple things you can implement in your business to increase your profit to deal with the cost of living increases. My first 'proper' job, was as a Credit Control Administrator, working in telecoms in the mobile phone industry for The...

I know, your to-do list is looking like a complete mess, with tasks scribbled out and new ones keep being added on. Your desk looks like a bomb site with post it notes lying around, hastily scribbled on as another thing you need to get...

I spend a lot of time helping business owners to improve their productivity. On my blog I hope you find some useful tips and try to apply them in your business. But, a word of caution. Very often you can get focused on becoming more efficient, but...

Recently, I set myself a 6 week Super Productivity challenge. This meant 6 weeks of putting in less hours in my business, whilst still growing it and, importantly, keep my marketing pipeline flowing. Why? Because I wanted to spend more time with my family over the 6...