Are you up for short term pain to get some long term gain?

Are you up for short term pain to get some long term gain?

Are you so crazy busy right now that you feel like shutting the door, stopping everything and starting all over again?

You have so much to do that you don’t know where to start.

If only you had started to get more organised last month.

If only you had looked to put in processes and systems to save time last year, when you had that bit of quiet time.

If only, if only, if only!!

So, time to listen up – do you want to be saying ‘if only I’d done this last month’ next month, and the month after?

There is no better time to start getting your business in order than right now.

Yes, it will mean finding some extra time to do it, even though your schedule is already jam-packed.

Yes, it won’t be easy and may mean some late nights and early starts.

But the alternative is to carry on as you are now – hoping someone will come along with a magic wand and sort it all out for you, and, outside of my kids stories, this isn’t going to happen.

It’s down to you, so here’s what I suggest you do right now.

Firstly, stop, breathe, and walk away

I’m not suggesting you walk away completely – just get some distance from your business to allow you to get some clarity back.

When you are so engrossed in the day to day running, and all the things you should be doing but aren’t, it can fill you with a sense of panic. This can lead to you behaving like an ostrich (i.e. burying your head in the sand) as it’s easier in the moment to do this, rather than deal with the issues at hand.

So, create some time to get some distance. This may be simply going for a lunchtime walk, taking the weekend off or taking a week’s holiday.

Secondly, protect some time to get it done

Once you’ve had some distance from your business, get your diary out and book in time to start dealing with the issues you’re facing.

This may be a couple of full days, several half days, or an hour each morning for the next month.

Book it and prioritise this time to be the most important thing you have to do over the next month.

Thirdly, be ruthless and cut out the crap

By this I mean start to say no to doing stuff that isn’t adding value to your business. Decline meetings. Stop using social media daily. Stop being reactive to emails and phone calls.

Stop reacting to other people’s priorities and start to deal with your own.

Turn your phone and internet off during your protected time.

Fourthly, figure out the quick wins

What are the couple of biggest headaches for you that you could sort out quite quickly, if you made the time to do it?

Start with these first.

Finally, get some help and support

Get someone in to help you figure out how to navigate your way through this in the quickest and easiest way. Another business owner, or a mentor or coach.

Have someone to challenge you, help you find solutions, and hold you accountable for making it happen.

No matter how bad it seems right now, it can be sorted. It’s just going to take a little bit of work and short term pain to get the long term gains you’re looking for.

Begin it now!

If you’re still struggling to know where or how to start, then you can take up my offer of a complimentary ‘find out more’ session and I will help you figure it out. To book simply click here to access my diary and select a couple of times you can make. I’ll then confirm and send you some brief questions to answer and send back to me before we talk. We then ‘meet up’ via my online meeting tool, Skype or the phone, at our scheduled time. Simple.

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Alison Bradford

Alison Bradford is a business coach who works with smart, ambitious business owners to get clarity about how they can grow their business and increase profit. Sign up here to learn 6 easy ways you can boost profit in your business today.

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