Avoid this mistake in your business in the run up to Christmas

Coffee sits on business owners desk at Christmas.

Avoid this mistake in your business in the run up to Christmas

December is a great time to reflect back on the year and recognise your achievements and lessons learnt BUT it is also a month where work gets done and sales take place.

I see lots of business owners switch off around now, with the assumption that nothing much will happen until January.

Yet now is a time when people are in ‘buying mode’ and, this includes business as well as personal stuff. 

Somehow, with lots of us doing our Christmas shopping and taking advantage of those Black Friday deals, buying things becomes a bit of a habit.

It’s why it can be a perfect time of year for you to make sales in your business.

If you read my last email about increasing your prices, January can be a great time to do this, meaning that December is the perfect time to get people to buy at your current prices and avoid the increase. You just need to let them know now!

Don’t make the mistake the of putting things off until January – treat December the same as any other month, and schedule any time off in your diary and workload.

If you’re curious to know how I can help you achieve your business goals in 2023 – whether it’s to increase your profit, grow your team or figure out how to work less hours, you can book in a complimentary strategy call with me – and yes, there are still slots available in December as I write this!

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Alison Bradford

Alison Bradford is a business coach who works with smart, ambitious business owners to get clarity about how they can grow their business and increase profit. Sign up here to learn 6 easy ways you can boost profit in your business today.

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