Top 3 mistakes when starting a business – Part 2

Top 3 mistakes when starting a business – Part 2

This is part 2 in my series of blog posts on the top 3  mistakes when starting a business.

If you missed part 1, you can catch up here

Creating a JOB not a business

I completely understand how this happens.

You decided to start your business.

You picked something you enjoy doing and are good at.

Only now you find yourself working really hard but still not bringing in enough money to make it all worthwhile.

You seem to spend hours on admin and at your computer catching up in the evenings. But you’re not getting enough new customers and making enough sales.

You’ve fallen into the trap of creating a job, not a business. Unfortunately without a sustainable business you won’t be able to afford to stay in your new ‘job’.

You’ve focused on what you do rather than setting up a business.

It’s not enough to be good at what you do if you’re missing the key elements of running a business.

You need to recognise that as a business owner you will need to learn new skills, wear several different hats and be willing to outsource the things you can’t do.

Are any of these departments missing from your business?


All businesses need a Marketing department and yours is no exception – except this time it’s you.

You need to have a Marketing plan and make time to actually implement this plan, keeping an eye on your pipeline and how you are bringing new customers to your business and keeping old ones buying from you.

Marketing is one of the skills you need to learn fast when setting up a business.

You may get by initially from existing contacts and people you know but at some point this will dry up.

Where are your next customers coming from?


Following straight on from Marketing is sales – once you’ve got  a pipeline of potential customers from your Marketing, how do you feel about closing that sale?

Unless your from a sales background, it’s quite normal to feel a bit icky about selling.

But you have to get over it to convert those potential customers into parting with their cash.

The good news is that you can learn to feel a lot more confident with selling and finding a style that fits with you to do this. Practice also helps!

What can you do to convert more people into buying from you? Who can you call? Who can you email? Are you putting clear calls to action on your Marketing material and making it easy for people to buy?


How well do you understand your top level numbers? What are your costs, income and customer numbers this month?

These are the key levers that you need to stay close to and tweak as needed to move your business towards profit.

This doesn’t need to be really detailed – just a high level summary that you keep updated so that you know at a glance how your business is performing.

So, are any of these departments missing from your business?

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Alison Bradford

Alison Bradford is a business coach who works with smart, ambitious business owners to get clarity about how they can grow their business and increase profit. Sign up here to learn 6 easy ways you can boost profit in your business today.

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  • Carl Croft
    Posted at 07:34h, 13 July

    Very true – Michael Gerber (EMyth) suggests mapping out the departments of your business on individual cards. You may hold them all initially, but at least you can plan to delegate them, or certain tasks as your business develops.

    And for those who are not comfortable with selling, I’d really recommend Daniel H Pink’s book – To Sell is Human. Fascinating take on most people actually being excellent sales people!

    • Alison Bradford
      Posted at 12:07h, 15 July

      Thanks Carl – and I agree that these are both great books that you recommend. Michael Gerber’s E-Myth should be a must read for business owners.

  • Cath Hall
    Posted at 00:35h, 02 December

    Alison, you are always right! good job we had our meeting as I was going down that road. Marketing is not within my comfort zone but thanks to you I am working at it

    • Alison Bradford
      Posted at 15:10h, 03 December

      Hi Cath, I’m always trying to tell my husband that 😉 Pleased that you enjoyed this article and I hope that you enjoy and get some value from some of the other articles on here too.

  • Melissa Plimmer
    Posted at 21:05h, 03 September

    Fantastic again, wish I read these before I started!!

    • Alison Bradford
      Posted at 10:41h, 04 September

      Thanks Melissa. Hopefully I’ll catch some people early on in their business journey when they read this!