Could this be helpful for your business right now?

Staffordshire business coach Alison Bradford

Could this be helpful for your business right now?

Hope your week has started well, as we head into October and the final quarter of 2023!

Does reading that make you shudder slightly, at the thought of what you still want to get done this year?

Are you feeling the pressure of the last quarter, realising how much you still have to achieve in your business, yet not sure how to get there?

You’re so busy right now, you don’t have time to think, let alone step back and develop a clear plan of action!

However, you know if you don’t change something, you will end the year failing to hit those goals you’ve set.

I can help. Give me a day of your time (plus an hour or so before and after), and I will work with you to clarify your goals, prioritise them, and develop a clear plan to deliver them.

Plus teach you strategies to support you and hold you accountable.

Sounds interesting? Find out more about my Business Strategy Days on the link. I still have a couple of days left to accommodate these in October so please book in a time to chat with me to see if this is right for you and your business.

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Alison Bradford

Alison Bradford is a business coach who works with smart, ambitious business owners to get clarity about how they can grow their business and increase profit. Sign up here to learn 6 easy ways you can boost profit in your business today.

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