Here’s my end of year ritual as a business coach

Business woman carries out financial review at the end of quarter one

Here’s my end of year ritual as a business coach

Most of you are now super busy, trying to get on top everything before breaking for Christmas. Or, perhaps this week ends up naturally being a quiet one for you as your clients are busy in their own business.

Whatever it is for you, I urge you to do one thing before this week is over.

Complete a review of 2023.

This may not appeal to you, as you instead want to focus on pushing forward and starting to plan for 2024.

BUT, without taking the time to reflect back and learn the lessons from this year, your planning for next year will not be as effective.

I’ll share below an excerpt from my full end of year review I do with my clients, to get you started. If you’d like the full workbook for this exercise, then reply to this email to let me know and I’ll send you a copy.

Start by listing out all your achievements from the past year, however big or small they may seem.

Then, reflect on what has worked well this year, that you want to take forward and KEEP in 2024?

What hasn’t worked well, that you need to STOP doing in 2024?

What didn’t you do this year, that you want to START in 2024?

Enjoy your time to pause, look back and reflect.

Wishing you a truly fabulous Christmas!

Curious to know how I can help you in achieving your business goals? Book in a complimentary strategy session to find out more, and identify some quick wins tailored to your business. Find latest availability in my online diary here.

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Alison Bradford

Alison Bradford is a business coach who works with smart, ambitious business owners to get clarity about how they can grow their business and increase profit. Sign up here to learn 6 easy ways you can boost profit in your business today.

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