What does your diary say about you?

Don't waste precious time doubting - make it happen

What does your diary say about you?

If a lack of time is holding you back, I suggest you go back to basics and look at how you are scheduling your time.

It all starts with your diary system. Whether you use an online calendar or a paper diary / organiser, it doesn’t matter – it’s all about how you are using it.

When you look at yours:

  • Can you clearly see what you have planned for the week ahead or, is it a confusing mess that takes you time to figure out?
  • Is it rammed full of meetings and tasks, with no spare time or, do you allow buffer time where you have some time to think and catch up?
  • Are you using your diary reactively to book in meetings with others or, do you schedule in time to get the important ‘working ON your business’ tasks progressed?

Most importantly, when you look at your diary for the week ahead, can you clearly see that you have time allocated for your business priorities?

Your diary will show where you are prioritising time and, if it’s not to the right things, you need to make some changes.

If you feel like your diary has gotten out of control or you’re not sure how to get the best use out of it, book in a complimentary strategy call and I will guide you through using your diary to get the most out of your time.

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Alison Bradford

Alison Bradford is a business coach who works with smart, ambitious business owners to get clarity about how they can grow their business and increase profit. Sign up here to learn 6 easy ways you can boost profit in your business today.

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