Are you following the latest trends in your business?

Business woman listens to feedback about her business

Are you following the latest trends in your business?

Are you a trend follower?

Do you like to keep up to date with the latest trends in social media, technology, marketing, consumer data etc.?

This can be really useful, as you try and keep your business relevant and current to today’s market BUT there is also a danger with this.

A risk that you do something or purchase something, simply because it’s the latest thing, a current trend, and isn’t necessarily aligned to your business model.

At the weekend I was listening to a podcast I’d highly recommend (one of the ways I like to stay in the loop with current trends!).

It was an episode of ‘The Rest is Money’ podcast, where the hosts (Steph McGovern and Robert Peston) were interviewing James Timpson, CEO of Timpsons.

Are you familiar with Timpsons? They have branches on the high street and in supermarkets in the UK offering shoe repairs and key-cutting services.

It was super interesting to hear how this business model works as, on the face of it, I wondered how on earth they are still surviving – who still gets their shoes repaired?

It made me think of how often we can rush to put in new things because they are a trend, rather than because it works for our business model?

Just because something has been around for a while, doesn’t mean it will no longer work in your business

  • Picking up the phone and speaking to people can get great results in your sales compared to spending hours doing social media posts.
  • Listening to feedback from your team can give great customer insight, compared to sending out a snazzy online survey.
  • Using a whiteboard or notebook and pen to track your leads can be more successful than the latest CRM system.

It’s great to stay on top of the latest developments and changes in your industry, but don’t rush to implement them unless you’re confident they will make a positive difference in your business. (AKA “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!”)

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Alison Bradford

Alison Bradford is a business coach who works with smart, ambitious business owners to get clarity about how they can grow their business and increase profit. Sign up here to learn 6 easy ways you can boost profit in your business today.

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