‘Just Do It’ possibly the greatest slogan of all time – and it’s story is in one of my top 3 business books

JUST DO IT... Possibly the best slogan ever...

‘Just Do It’ possibly the greatest slogan of all time – and it’s story is in one of my top 3 business books

I’m often asked to recommend business books, and I have lots to recommend, but which one depends on your circumstances, your current challenge and stage your business is at.

An all-rounder, and definitely in my top 3 business books, is Shoe Dog by Phil Knight.

Originally recommended to me a few years ago by one of my clients, it tells the story of how Nike began. It’s a real rollercoaster and, even though we know how it ends, it’s a great insight to the many challenges all businesses (and business owners) go through.

It includes how they came up with the slogan ‘Just Do It’ – in my opinion, possibly the greatest slogan of all time.

And not just for the Nike brand, but in business and life.

It’s often abbreviated to JDI and, many years ago, I worked for a manager who added an extra F telling us to JFDI on a regular basis!

I don’t recommend telling your team to JFDI (though I often say it in my head to my teenage kids), but the mantra Just Do It may well get you over many an obstacle and stop you overthinking things that really shouldn’t be overthought.

Which is pretty much everything.

Be honest – how many things haven’t you done in your business because you spent too long overthinking them and talked yourself out of it?

  • What if it doesn’t work?
  • What if I can’t do it?
  • What if nobody buys it?
  • What will people think of me?
  • What if you replaced the ‘what if’ overthinking statements in your head with Just Do It?

What if you took all those great ideas in your head, picked one, and just got on with doing it?

I dare you now – Just Do It!


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Alison Bradford

Alison Bradford is a business coach who works with smart, ambitious business owners to get clarity about how they can grow their business and increase profit. Sign up here to learn 6 easy ways you can boost profit in your business today.

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