Is your business a secret weapon?

Is your business a secret weapon?

A client recently referred to me as ‘The Business Owners Secret Weapon’, and, flattered though I was by this, I was also a little concerned.

I don’t really want my business to be a ‘secret’ of any kind! I want business owners who I can help to be able to find out about me very easily thank you.

But, it’s made me think.

I’ve started to realise that I can be a bit secretive. I have huge respect for client confidentiality and don’t discuss any specifics, of either who I’m working with or what I’m working on with them.

So, when new potential clients ask me about current clients I work with, and the results they’ve achieved with me, I can come across a bit vague.

Probably not the best impression when somebody is making a decision to work with you or not!

Most of my clients now come from recommendations, which makes it easier, but for those who know very little about me, it’s not the best way to build trust and credibility.

Of course, one of the easiest way to build trust and credibility is the use of testimonials – having your clients say in their own words what it was like to work with you and what results they achieved.

And here I confess, I have let myself down.

I try and get testimonials – but don’t always (errr very rarely actually) follow up.

When I get them, I tend to file them away ‘to be used at a later date’ – which of course never comes!

So there’s my confession. What about you? Are you getting testimonials from your customers? Are you using these effectively to build trust and credibility in your marketing?

In case you’re like me, here’s a quick brain dump to help you get the most out of testimonials in your business:

  • Put them on your website – and keep them up to date!
  • Use them on your email signature
  • Get them added as Linked In recommendations
  • Ask for some to be video testimonials and use on Facebook (simple to do on a phone)
  • Include in your bio if you use one for speaking etc. (here’s what other people have said)
  • Use in a networking 60 seconds intro or similiar
  • Tweet them
  • Make them into case studies and share
  • Include in any presentations

I’m sure there are loads more ways you can use them in your business too – leave a comment to let me know any other tips you have, and pick at least one way you can use testimonials to build trust and credibility in your business, and start doing it this week!

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Alison Bradford

Alison Bradford is a business coach who works with smart, ambitious business owners to get clarity about how they can grow their business and increase profit. Sign up here to learn 6 easy ways you can boost profit in your business today.

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