How easy is it to buy from you?

How easy is it to buy from you?

Now most business owners I know would reply that it’s very easy to buy from them – but I challenge you to look at your business with fresh eyes, and especially through the eyes of a prospective customer, to really see how easy you are making it to buy from you, and where you can improve.
Let me give you an example.
The other evening I was at a ladies evening charity event, where there were two retailers available to buy from on the night – one was selling ladies fashion and the other children’s clothes.
Probably like most other people there, I deliberately only took a bit of cash with me, that I was prepared to spend on the evening on raffle tickets and charity donations – I do not need any more clothes for me or my kids!
Interestingly there was a stark contrast between how the two retailers behaved on the evening, with one selling considerably more than the other.
Here’s what the ladies fashion retailer did:
  • Gave a brief introduction about their business
  • Gave a demonstration, bringing along a model to show numerous styles quickly and easily
  • Let us try things on
  • Gave advice and recommendations on what would suit us
  • Took card payments on the night, enabling those of us who didn’t intend to buy anything, to go ahead and buy (ahem!)
The children’s clothes retailer simply had 2 rails of clothes and some toys.
They didn’t tell us anything about themselves or the clothes.
They only took cash payments on the evening.
At a rough guess I would estimate the ladies retailer took around 20 to 30 times more money on the evening than the children’s clothes retailer.
They both invested the same amount of time in the evening but one of them made it much easier to buy from.
So how do you do this in your business?
  • Tell people what you do
  • Show how it can help them (case studies etc)
  • Advise and recommend on the best option
  • Make it easy to pay you
Too often I see business owners getting in front of their prospective clients and leaving the ball completely in their court.
“If they want me, they know what I do and where I am”
NO – Spell it out and make it easier for people to buy from your business, Remember, you are the expert in your business, not them.

Very often people don’t know what they want. I didn’t know I needed more new knitwear till I went to this charity evening!

Book half an hour out in your diary and review how your prospects are seeing you and how easy you are to buy from.

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Alison Bradford

Alison Bradford is a business coach who works with smart, ambitious business owners to get clarity about how they can grow their business and increase profit. Sign up here to learn 6 easy ways you can boost profit in your business today.

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