Feeling stuck in your business or a bit ‘meh’? Try this…

Don't waste precious time doubting

Feeling stuck in your business or a bit ‘meh’? Try this…

It’s easy to get stuck in a rut.

Sometimes, you just feel a bit bored in your business and uninspired, and can’t quite see how to shake it off.

Perhaps you need a change of perspective to get you motivated again and unstuck.

Do you ever notice, if you go into a room or meeting with the same people regularly, that everyone has a preferred place to sit?

It’s human nature – you get comfortable in the same place. If someone new goes to sit in a chair used by somebody else, everyone says, ‘You can’t sit there, that’s so and so’s chair’.

It may be comfortable, but it means you get the same perspective every time.

Could it be as simple as moving chairs or your desk to get out of your rut and get a fresh perspective on things?

Shifting your physical position can really help when problem-solving or anything requiring creative thinking.

Some people swear by having time working in a coffee shop but, personally I find the background noise too distracting. I have been known to sit on my office floor though, surround by coloured Sharpie pens and A3 pads when I need to get creative!

Another way to change your perspective is to look outside of your industry. It’s easy to get stuck in a rut when you’re surrounded by, and focused on, people doing the same as you.

Get inspiration from completely different business sectors and industries – look online, see what trade journals you can read, go and network to meet different people and be curious about their business.

And finally, a great way to change your perspective is to mastermind / meet up with people who you know will challenge you and stretch you, as well as support you, and give you their perspective on the challenges you’re facing.

Sometimes, it just takes someone else to point out something to you to completely change your perspective.

Curious to know how I can help you in achieving your business goals? Book in a complimentary strategy session to find out more, and identify some quick wins tailored to your business. Find my latest availability in my online diary.

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Alison Bradford

Alison Bradford is a business coach who works with smart, ambitious business owners to get clarity about how they can grow their business and increase profit. Sign up here to learn 6 easy ways you can boost profit in your business today.

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