What can Gary Lineker teach you about giving feedback in your business?

Business woman listens to feedback about her business

What can Gary Lineker teach you about giving feedback in your business?

I’m sure you’re probably aware of the furore over the past weekend with Gary Lineker being suspended by the BBC for expressing his views on Twitter on a certain political matter.

Whilst the BBC now seem to have resolved the matter with Gary, it was interesting to see him change his Twitter profile picture to be of him standing by the following George Orwell quote:

“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they don’t want to hear”

Sometimes you have to take the position of giving difficult feedback to somebody, be this a member of your team, a supplier or even a customer.


How do you feel about doing this?

Lots of business owners can feel uncomfortable and unsure how to deliver feedback, which tends to lead to one of two outcomes.

  1. You avoid it completely, and hope it reoslves itself
  2. You get so frustrated and annoyed you end up delivering it a confrontational way

Trust me, neither of these approaches are helpful to you or the other person.

Giving feedback in a constuctive way is a great skill to develop in your business.

On the flip side of that, receiving feedback is always a great way to develop and improve your business.

Without feedback, you are relying too much on your own knowledge and skills and, whilst I’m sure these are amazing and have got you so far, it can lead to your business stagnating and feeling stuck.

There are techniques that can be learned, to both deliver and receive feedback, and it’s something that comes up a lot with the business owners I work with.

This week, can you think of somebody who you can give feedback to, and potentially tell them something they don’t want to hear but will help them move forward?

And, who can you approach to get feedback on something you don’t want to hear, but maybe need to hear?

If you’re curious about how you can deliver and receive feedback in a helpful and constructive way, please book in a call with me and I will happily share my thoughts as a business coach.

I spend quite a bit of my time, when coaching business owners, delivering uncomfortable truths, and I also rather enjoy receiving feedback and being challenged on my own beliefs!

Find out how I can help your business with different business coaching programmes.

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Alison Bradford

Alison Bradford is a business coach who works with smart, ambitious business owners to get clarity about how they can grow their business and increase profit. Sign up here to learn 6 easy ways you can boost profit in your business today.

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