Want to be more creative and get great business ideas?

Get ideas to generate business ideas

Want to be more creative and get great business ideas?

Are you always coming up with new ideas and love creative time? Or, do you sometimes struggle to get new inspiration and being creative can feel a bit like pushing a rock uphill?

If you’re in the first camp, you probably need some tips on how to prioritise and get your ideas out into the world. But, if you fall into the second camp, then here are some thoughts to help get your creative juices flowing.

Firstly, the best ideas never come when you’re sat at your desk on the computer, just waiting for inspiration to strike.

The best thing you can do is to move away, physically and mentally, from your day to day work.

Go and do something else, be it walking, driving, exercising, gardening – the best ideas usually come when we’re least expecting it.

Don’t try and force it, but there are things you can do to encourage it.

If you have a specific challenge that you want some creative thinking on, try asking your subconscious mind the answer to your challenge, and leave it to work on it whilst you get on with something. Sounds weird, I know, but try it!

Another way to open up your mind to getting more creative is to do some learning around a topic that interests you. It may be a course you’re interested in doing, or simply reading a book or listening to a podcast on the topic.

Finally, one of my personal favourites is to sit on the floor with a big A3 pad and some coloured Sharpie pens. Then just start doing mind maps around whatever topic you’re thinking about, a bit like free journalling but in a more visual format. I always get something useful from it.

For some reason, it has to be different coloured pens for me – plain old black biro just doesn’t get the same results!

What helps to get your creative brain flowing?

And you know what? The more you spend time being creative, the more creative you get!

Think of your creativity as a muscle – the more you use it, the bigger it gets.

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Alison Bradford

Alison Bradford is a business coach who works with smart, ambitious business owners to get clarity about how they can grow their business and increase profit. Sign up here to learn 6 easy ways you can boost profit in your business today.

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