Use this tried & tested way to get testimonials for your business

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Use this tried & tested way to get testimonials for your business

I’m guessing you already know the power of using testimonials in your Marketing.

They act as ‘social proof’ that help your prospects to make the decision to buy from you – ‘People like me bought this, therefore I will benefit from it too’

They help to showcase the results you deliver for your clients and, importantly, because they are in your customer’s words, they can resonate more powerfully than your own marketing copy.

Just think about when you make a purchase, how often do you use the review or testimonial to make your final decision?

The challenge comes in getting the testimonials.

You deliver great work, the customer is really pleased with the result, you ask for a testimonial or Google review – ‘Sure!’, they say.

Then, nothing. Should you follow them up? Have they changed their mind? Maybe they weren’t happy after all?

The reality is, that most of us are really happy to give a testimonial or review, but we’re all busy people and it never makes it to the top our list.

What you need to do is make it easier for your customers to provide one, by giving them a simple framework. Then, they don’t have to sit and think about what to write, they just answer the following 3 questions:

  • Why did you decide to work with me? (What problems / challenges did you have?)
  • What results did you get from working with me?
  • What would you say to someone who is thinking of working with me?

You can then use the answers to craft a testimonial using their own words.

Sometimes though, the best feedback comes in the form of soundbites that your customers say to you, when they are not thinking about trying to sound a certain way, when you wish you had recorded it!

These are powerful, short statements that sum up what they’ve got from working with you.

Let me give you an example.

Last week I was catching up with the attendees of my most recent 12-week business coaching programme, Business Growth Masterplan, to see how they were getting on and to get some feedback.

Here are some soundbites of what they said about the programme:

  • “it shifts your arse to take action”
  • “giving you lightbulb moments”
  • “guides you from overthinking to getting stuff done”
  • “time to stop and think clearly”
  • “makes you more organised”

These aren’t phrases that you’ll find in my marketing copy, yet somehow they are more powerful as they are what real-life attendees actually said.

You can find out more about the 12 week Business Growth Masterplan programme, or book in a time to have a chat about it here.

Where can you use testimonials in your business and how are you getting them?

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Alison Bradford

Alison Bradford is a business coach who works with smart, ambitious business owners to get clarity about how they can grow their business and increase profit. Sign up here to learn 6 easy ways you can boost profit in your business today.

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