Is your business due a Spring clean?

Is your business due a Spring clean?

Is your business due a Spring clean?

I think we’re all appreciating seeing the first signs of Spring a little more this year, as the feeling of new beginnings brings hope to not only the dawning of Spring, but also the way out of lockdown in the UK.

And now is as good a time as any to get spring cleaning your business to get ready for whatever ‘new’ it is you’re planning for – new customers, new team members, new processes, new time!

Getting rid of whatever no longer serves you, creates space for the new to come in.

You may not think of your business when you think of spring cleaning, and there is definitely no need to get out a duster or vacuum cleaner! Simply go through the below areas of your business:

  • Your physical workspace – clear away the clutter, file away or bin any paperwork, organise your area to support you better.
  • Your to-do list – what can you delgate or outsource? What is no longer neccessary or adding value? Be ruthless and dump it. What can be scheduled in your diary for a later date?
  • Your customers – who do you no longer want to be working with? Who makes your heart sink when you see an email or call from them? Time to let them go and make space for the new.
  • Your diary – what meetings do you have scheduled in that you really don’t need to attend? Which meetings are taking too long and can be shortened?
  • Your people – whether they are part of your team or people in your circle you’re interacting with regularly, if they don’t lift you up you may need to consider how you can spend less time in their company, and more time with people who energise you.


Not sure where to start? You can book in a complimentary strategy session with me and I’ll help you come up with a personal plan to spring clean your business.

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Alison Bradford

Alison Bradford is a business coach who works with smart, ambitious business owners to get clarity about how they can grow their business and increase profit. Sign up here to learn 6 easy ways you can boost profit in your business today.

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