The tussle between ideas and implementation

WIN THE WAR ON ideas and implementation in your business

The tussle between ideas and implementation

Lots of business owners face a pretty much constant battle between ideas and implementation – they have loads of ideas of what they want to do, to grow and improve their business, but they struggle to get these ideas off the ground and implement them.

And of course, an idea in itself isn’t much use until it gets implemented!


Is this something you can relate to? Do you have lots of ideas sitting around in your head or a notebook somewhere, but keep beating yourself up for never getting round to implementing them?

Not implementing your ideas comes down to four key obstacles and, whilst there are lots of tips and strategies to deal with these and get your ideas out into the world, this would be one huge blog if I tried to share everything with you.

So, I’m giving you a quick and easy tip for each one, and if you want to know more, please book a strategy session with me and we can focus on your particular ideas and implementation challenges.

  • Prioritising – not doing anything because you don’t know where to start? Do a simple Ease / Benefit analysis and figure out which is the easiest to implement and gives the biggest benefit. Start there!
  • Time – no time to implement? Get out your diary and schedule in the time. Break down into smaller chunks if needed, and stick to your agreed time as if it was customer work.
  • Perfectionism – want it to be ‘perfect’ before you implement? Hmmm this is a biggie, but for now try the mantra ‘Progress Not Perfection’.
  • Accountability – not feeling much consequence from not implementing? Make a public commitment – this could be to a buddy, on social media, or even to your customers, of what you plan to do and by when.


Pick your obstacle (and you may have more than one), apply the tip given, and start to implement your brilliant ideas out into the world.

After all, keeping them to yourself is not helping anyone!

Curious to know how I can help you in achieving your business goals? Book in a complimentary strategy session to find out more, and identify some quick wins tailored to your business. Find latest availability in my online diary here.

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Alison Bradford

Alison Bradford is a business coach who works with smart, ambitious business owners to get clarity about how they can grow their business and increase profit. Sign up here to learn 6 easy ways you can boost profit in your business today.

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