What would be amazing to achieve in your business by the end of the 2024?

Qtr 4 2024 goal setting

What would be amazing to achieve in your business by the end of the 2024?

There’s something about September and the start of Autumn that I find energising.

It’s not just the ‘back to school’ vibes, the darker mornings and evenings are signaling that we are nearing the last quarter of the year, and you’d better get a wriggle on if you still want to make progress towards your goals for the year!

So, ponder this question:
“What would be amazing for you to achieve in your business by the end of this year?”

It doesn’t need to be something huge, just something that would make a real difference in your business and that you can achieve before the end of the year.

Imagine yourself at the end of December, what do you really want to have done by then?

How will you measure that you’ve achieved it?

Why is this important to you?

Then, break it down into weekly tasks that you need to get done, in order to achieve it.

You can achieve more in the next 3 months than you’ve achieved in the previous 9 months, if you’re focused and keep taking consistent action towards it.

If you’re still feeling unsure what you want to achieve or how you’re going to do it, book in a complimentary call with me here, and I’ll help you to figure it out.

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Alison Bradford

Alison Bradford is a business coach who works with smart, ambitious business owners to get clarity about how they can grow their business and increase profit. Sign up here to learn 6 easy ways you can boost profit in your business today.

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