What are you putting off in your business that’s important but not urgent?

Lined notebook with a list of things for today.

What are you putting off in your business that’s important but not urgent?

I’ve been pondering how funny human nature is, when we avoid doing something that we know we should be doing but, for whatever reason, we put it off.

What are you putting off doing right now?

Those things that keep getting carried over on your to-do list each week, or never even make it to the to-do list. Instead, they keep popping up in your head every now and then as reminder of something you haven’t done, and how rubbish you are!

It might be making a call to someone, following up a sales lead, dealing with a tricky team member, sorting out the dodgy wi-fi, putting some KPI’s in place, understanding your accounts, and so on.

They tend to fall into the category of ‘Important but not urgent’, where they are linked to the long-term development of your business but no immediate action is required.

And of course, you have lots of urgent stuff that is taking your attention and time.

The problem with these ‘important but not urgent’ tasks are that they end up becoming urgent if you don’t deal with them.

It’s like getting a toothache – what starts off as an occasional discomfort turns into raging pain, keeping you awake at night and requiring an emergency appointment at the dentist. If only you’d booked that dental appointment when the discomfort started you’d have been saved a lot of pain!

You have a couple of choices to start getting the ‘important but not urgent’ tasks done, before they cause you significant pain in your business.

  1. Get on with them
  2. Get some support and help, to identify what they are, how you can do them, and up-skill your ability to get them done

If you fancy number 2, then you can book in a call with me to see how I can help you, or seek out other coaches and trainers to support you.

Otherwise, time to crack on.

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Alison Bradford

Alison Bradford is a business coach who works with smart, ambitious business owners to get clarity about how they can grow their business and increase profit. Sign up here to learn 6 easy ways you can boost profit in your business today.

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