How I make an ass of myself (and perhaps you too)

How I make an ass of myself (and perhaps you too)

You know the saying, ‘assume makes an ass out of u and me’? Well let me tell you, I still keep making an ass of myself!

Let me tell you how.

Whenever I’m launching a new workshop or programme, like my recent Mastermind group, I pull together a list of my contacts who I think will be interested in it.

But before writing down my list of names, I go through a process in my head which eliminates some of them. I think ‘is this something they’ll be interested in?’, ‘is this the right programme for that person’, ‘are they ready to make this investment’ etc. etc.

Until, before I know it, lots of names vanish and never make it to the list.

I know I’m not the only one who does this as I regularly pick my own clients up for doing the same thing! They’ll tell me about some great offer they want to promote and, as we go through a plan to market it, they’ll keep dismissing different ideas or people to contact.

Sometimes there may be a good reason but very often it comes down to them (and me) making assumptions about what our clients and potential clients want.

Having someone to pick you up on the assumptions you may be making in your business can be invaluable as, very often, we’re not even aware that we’re doing it.

I’ve surprised myself recently by becoming more aware of my own assumptions and starting to ignore them. After all, why should I be making someone else’s decision for them?  I have a duty to let them about what I have and it’s them down to them to make the decision.

Are you also making decisions on behalf of your clients and customers?

Start to become aware of where you are making assumptions in your business and stop doing it. You may just be surprised, like I have been.

I’d love to hear if you do this too – leave me a comment to let me know.

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Alison Bradford

Alison Bradford is a business coach who works with smart, ambitious business owners to get clarity about how they can grow their business and increase profit. Sign up here to learn 6 easy ways you can boost profit in your business today.

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  • Carl Barlow
    Posted at 13:59h, 20 October

    I picked up on this quite early on and now try my best never to make assumptions. However I do priorities follow ups with the people that I think will value most from a particular product which seems to work quite well.

    • Alison Bradford
      Posted at 09:29h, 22 October

      Thanks Carl. Yep, prioritising = good, assumptions = bad 🙂