Because you’re worth it…..

Because you’re worth it…..

How many times have you seen something you want to do but decided not to because you can’t afford it? Maybe a training course? Or going along to a conference? How about joining a networking group or getting a mentor?

It may be something that really excites you and that will add huge value to your business and you but something’s stopped you from taking action.

Maybe it’s the excuse ‘I can’t afford it’ or maybe ‘I can’t do it because I don’t have the time’.

I want you to ask yourself now – what’s really stopping you? Is your business a hobby or something you’re simply playing at, or are you running a serious business here? Because if you are running a serious business then you need to realise quickly that you need to invest in your business, and investing in your business means investing in you.

If you dismiss something with the excuse ‘I can’t afford it’ what you’re really saying is that you’re not worth it. Have you figured out the return you expect to get for making the investment?

Is there a training course you’ve had your eye on that could help increase the number of clients through your door? How many extra clients or sales do you need to make to make back the money you invest in the training?

If there’s a conference you really want to attend? Just book on and you will find a way to make sure you’re there. You’ll end up meeting loads of interesting people who will motivate and inspire you and help you to grow your business and the cost of the conference will soon be made back.

Once you are fully committed to your business and stop being afraid of ‘playing big’ then you will start to make these investments, as you realise the value they add far outweighs the initial cost and hassle of sorting out fitting it in.

If you want your business to succeed and grow then it’s time to be brave and start making these investments – because I know you’re worth it!

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Alison Bradford

Alison Bradford is a business coach who works with smart, ambitious business owners to get clarity about how they can grow their business and increase profit. Sign up here to learn 6 easy ways you can boost profit in your business today.

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