
Are you feeling like a juggler at the moment? I certainly feel like I'm part of a circus most days! It can seem a great idea in the beginning - I'll set up my own business so that I can work from home and be there...

Or the 'numbers stuff' as I like to call it. Depending on your background, the 'numbers stuff' can be an intimidating area if you are new to business or even if you've been running your business a while. It can seem like a dark science that you need to...

Are you doing face to face networking? I know that as a busy business owner it can be hard to get to networking events. Using social media to network can be great as you can fit it around your other commitments and do it as and when. However, if...

So, I'm definitely a 'to-do' list kind of girl. I love being organised and have tried many new shiny things over the years that promise to make organising my life, work and everything in between, easier and slicker. But I always come back to the old-fashioned pen...

Are you busy doing your Marketing activities but finding people can’t afford what you’re offering? There are 4 things that could be going on here. 1. People genuinely aren't prepared to pay what you’re asking for your product. This may be that you’re more expensive than other...

Why did you set up your business? I decided to set up my own business when I was pregnant with my 2nd child. I was working in a high pressure role in project management with a 3 hour commute each day and was finding it tough with...

Somebody who I can't remember right now once said that no-one can make it alone. Now, if you're a solopreneur i.e. running your business on your own, how does this stack up? Short answer - it doesn't. Just because you are a solopreneur does not mean you...

Are you feeling frustrated that you're not making the progress you want? Are you spending lots of time thinking about what's not working for you? Are you really clear on what you don't want to be doing anymore? Do you spend time wondering why you're...

Could you be guilty of making your business more complicated than it needs to be? When you don't have enough time in the day to get everything done, do you get out your time management strategies, start making numerous to do lists, drawing schedules, prioritising and...

I was at a craft fair this weekend and I can't help myself from sussing out which people are selling the most and why. Sometimes it can be down to a great product of course but if you look around you'll see that there are lots...